Category Archives: Fire Alarms

The fire risk assessment companies near me

For many business owners, going through a fire risk assessment is not on their radar. However, it is crucial to the safety of your employees and customers that you do invest in this type of inspection. If you find yourself asking what does a fire risk assessment involves? Or, where can I get one done near me? It’s time to take action and learn more about these critical inspections.

1) What Does a Fire Risk Assessment Involve? A fire risk assessment is a detailed inspection that will look at all aspects of your business regarding how it may put clients and staff at risk from a fire emergency occurring. Many people think of inspections as simple walkthroughs, but this is simply the case for a risk assessment. One of the most important aspects of a fire safety inspection in a commercial building pertains to evacuation plans in the event of a fire occurring inside the structure. A trained professional will look at all available exits and pinpoint what areas may be hazardous for people making their way out quickly in an emergency.

2) Why Are They Important? In addition to mitigating risks, fire inspections are also crucial when it comes to protecting your business from legal action should someone become injured on company property or during normal operations. If you find yourself asking who can do my fire risk assessment near me – this is where you need to turn after spotting the signs that it may be time for one of these detailed visits. However, make sure you deal only with highly trained and certified professionals from companies that have been around for at least two years. Avoid fly-by-night companies as they will do a shoddy job resulting in a false sense of security on your part. No matter your business’s size, you need to find someone who can do a fire risk assessment near me today to make sure everyone is safe.

3) How Often Should I Have One Done? The good news is that it is not required for you as a business owner or an employer to conduct regular inspections throughout the year, though ideally, you should prioritize them once every six months beginning January 1st. This gives each location time to complete necessary maintenance work. It also gives those conducting the inspection enough time to gather all of the essential information they need to decide how best to proceed. If you want to know more about these crucial inspections, including what does a risk assessment cost? Then ensure you do your homework and read up online as much as possible before making this decision.

4) Where Can I Find Someone Who Will Conduct My Inspection? One of the essential bits of advice we can give you is that you should only work with experienced and highly trained professionals from fire safety companies who have been around for at least two years. Avoid fly-by-night operations as they will do a shoddy job resulting in a false sense of security on your part. To get the best results from your fire inspection, you must do your homework beforehand.

The Benefits of Fire Alarm System

Commercial fire alarm systems have become very important for your business. One of the best parts of having a good fire alarm system is that it can alert you and save you and your family, staff, customers, etc. The fire alarm system not only alerts you but also the fire department officials so that they decide the course of action as soon as possible to ensure the safety of property and lives. Since it has the capability to detect smoke immediately, one can get enough time to evacuate themselves from the property. If you are successful in doing things on time, then the loss of property can be greatly reduced and no casualty will be reported. There are many reasons that make a fire alarm system necessary in every business. Below are some of the main reasons that make it necessary in your business setup.

The most important reason for having a fire alarm system in your business is to ensure that you, your employees, customers, will get to know that there is a fire on the premises. If you get alert on time, then you can easily get a safe passage to evacuate that building. In case of fire, the first 2 minutes are vital, as the people present on the fire spot get sufficient time to leave the building.

The law has made the installation of fire alarm systems mandatory in every business and workplace. If you are a business owner and did not have it installed then you might end up paying heavy fines and penalties if you ever get caught. You might also get warnings to close your business.

Before you install a good fire alarm system in your office, make sure that a thorough fire risk assessment is carried to determine the level of risk and how to make it less risky. You should get a fire alarm system based on the report of fire risk assessment. You should be very careful as a little negligence can result in loss of property and lives. Loss of property can be undone by spending money but the loss of life can never be undone even if you spend billion dollars. You should choose a fire safety system that has a good sprinkler system.

The risk assessment also includes deciding the type of fire that are likely to occur in your workplace and the type of fire extinguisher that will work there. The extinguishers in restaurants are different from the extinguisher for combustible like wood and paper. You will need a different fire extinguisher if there is a possibility of fire from electricity. The fire assessment officials will also determine the placement and capacity of the fire extinguisher.

You should make sure that you get the best fire risk assessment companies to ensure maximum safety for you, your family, employees, property, etc. If you do not know how to get a fire risk assessment company for yourself, then you can Google on the internet about the best fire risk assessment companies near me. You can actually get the best fire risk assessment companies near me.

Different types of firefighting equipment

Fires can destroy expensive properties, equipment, furniture, appliances and other items, in addition to causing burns and injuries. Properties which are damaged by fire often cannot be used for several months till they are renovated, investing additional money. Hence firefighters and property owners would like to purchase the best firefighting equipment available so that they can quickly extinguish the fire as soon as it is detected. Some of the considerations while choosing the firefighting equipment and the different types of firefighting equipment available are discussed.


Some of the features of the firefighting equipment which should be considered are

  • mechanism used for fighting the fire
  • whether chemicals, water or other materials are used
  • installation of the equipment
  • cost of the equipment
  • maintenance cost even if equipment is not used
  • cleanup time after the fire is extinguished.
  • coverage, area covered
  • warranty offered on the equipment, available of spares


One of the considerations while choosing firefighting equipment is the application for which it is designed. In residential areas people do not use fire often, except in the kitchen, while for some commercial applications like factories and commercial kitchens, temperatures are higher, since fire is used for heating, cooking and other applications. So for residential applications the firefighting equipment is smaller and more affordable, while for commercial applications the systems are bigger, more expensive and also more effective in suppressing the fire after it has been detected.

In commercial kitchens especially in restaurants food is being cooked at high temperatures, making fires more likely. So if there is a fire, the business owner would like to use firefighting equipment which does not use toxic chemicals, which will damage all the cooking equipment and food. If the toxic chemicals are used for extinguishing the fire, the business will have to spend a lot of time and money in cleaning the kitchen to remove all traces of the chemical, discarding the food which is contaminated. So for kitchens water mist firefighting equipment is preferred which uses lower volumes of water, and allows the area to be cleaned up quickly while reducing the environmental damage. Since no toxic chemicals are used, the water mist system also does not harm the people in the area.

Petrol, diesel and other fossil fuels are highly inflammable and a large number of fires are caused due to these fuels. Firefighting equipment only using water is not effective for putting out these fires, so a foam based system combining different chemicals is preferred. The foam covers the fire, cutting off the supply of air, so the fire is extinguished. The solution also contains water which cools the fire. The foam has been tested for quality and reliability.

Thermal Cameras

The intensity of the fire at various locations will differ, so firefighters prefer to focus on hot spots first, to reduce the damage. Thermal imaging cameras will help in locating the hot spots which are worst affected by the fire, so that they can plan their activities, can extinguish the fire in the area first, reducing damage caused.


The common causes behind house fires are due to problems in lighting systems, cooking essentials, heating, electrical distribution, etc. The best bet to ensure all round security from such hazards and early detection of fire is to install a fire alarm system through reputed FIRE ALARM COMPANIES. This saves lives through warning building occupants of emergencies so they don’t get in danger. Typical fire alarm system components offer life saving benefits and protection such as:

  • A secondary source of power like batteries
  • Flash lights, audible alters, along with other notifications
  • Sensitive smoke and/or carbon monoxide detector
  • Control panel meant for dispatch management and constant monitoring


There are lots of benefits of fire alarms. In the instance of fire, they offer notification and detection without doing anything. Whether you remain at house or not! Also they automatically dispatch fire department to the location. Some best safety features are:

EARLY DETECTION OF FIRE: With visual and audible signal you seek safety soon after the fire begins. Once the smoke or fire conditions are triggering system, you can have a fire extinguisher for protection of belongings and house for rushing the family to safety. With early detection you can easily avoid destruction and damage, so this is of high importance. Additionally to offering kitchen, bedroom, family room and bathroom security, with fire alarms you instantly alert fire authorities for minimizing damage.

GET SAFETY FROM SMOKE AND TOXIC FUMES: The leading cause of fire related deaths is inhalation of smoke. Mixtures of chemicals, gases and smoke particles cause swelling in the mucous membranes and skin, respiratory distress and collapse of airways. Without getting quick medical attention, smoke inhalation can result in suffocation and death. Fire alarm also protects you against exposure to harmful substances like ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide, etc.

INSURANCE DISCOUNTS: After installation of fire alarms, you save money on home. They lead to cutting of insurance costs for companies through reduction in risk of damage to your home and possessions through fire. Quick action after instant notification of prospective fire minimizes amount of the insurance claim.


All fire safety systems are available with right design based on specifications of the property with the unique building architecture. The right fire alarm system design also includes location of the equipment like smoke, sensor detection, fire alarm control panels, gas or fire, strobe alerts, audible alerts, evacuation instruction equipment along with portable fire extinguishers.


Fire safety companies work closely with electrical contractors and building owners for offering the best possible design along with placement of necessary fire safety equipment. Building owners get comprehensive services for fire safety such as:

  • Inspection
  • Maintenance
  • Consultation
  • Frequent monitoring
  • Repairs, etc.

FIRE ALARM COMPANIES recruit the most qualified and trained fire security technicians for ensuring the right service for safety. Also they offer highly advanced fire alarm systems with smart device connectivity and wireless technology for protection and managing automated buildings through remote control panel, (a mobile application). With the custom made fire alarm systems from fire safety companies you can protect your house, family and belongings by taking prompt action in any fire emergency situation.