Cell Differentiation

Living organisms are grouped into two distinct groups; unicellular and multicellular. The later is made up of millions of diverse range of cells originating from the genome of a single fertilized egg. Due to the complexity of multi-cellular organisms, different cells are required for different functions. For instance metabolism, reproduction and transmission of signal require specific cells. Thus, Cell differentiation is the process through which simple unspecialized cell becomes highly specialized through gene expression. After fertilization, zygotes rapidly multiply then differentiate forming a network of specialized cells.

The Process of Cell Differentiation

Cell differentiation occurs mostly in adult stem cells after dividing and differentiating into specialized daughter cells. This is possible only in pluripotent cells which are embryonic stem cells in mammals and most animals. Totipotent cells are specifically categorized with their ability to differentiate into any type of cell kind. After fully differentiating and specializing; a cell becomes unipotent and can only bring forth more of its own cell type. Cell size and shape are drastically changed during differentiation, its functionality and signal reception is also altered.

Importance of Cell Differentiation

•    Cell differentiation is vital in the formation of different organs, tissues and body parts as well ensuring their functionality in complex organisms. The changes in size, shape, signal responses and metabolism are all attributed to cell differentiation.

•    The optimal functioning of an animal is determined by gene expression which brings vital control systems to certain process ensuring specific differentiation.

•    Stem cell research has shown possibility in dealing with conditions that require a transplant. Cell differentiation thus helps in identifying specific stem cell to be used in this procedure.

•    Cancer progression is also measured using the level of cellular differentiation. The degree of differentiated cells in a tumor determines the “grade” and consequently the stage of cancer.

•    Further stem cell research shows their potential in healing fatal diseases by their ability to differentiate into specialized cells.


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